children's ministries
Children ages 5 years old through 5th grade are invited to join us in our Children’s Worship Room from 10:30a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings for our worship gathering. Our children’s worship offers an age-appropriate worship experience that is modeled in style after our adult service.
Our young worshipers participate in a time of praise and worship through song, a teaching time, an opportunity to present a financial offering, and a time to share their prayer requests. Our children learn from an early age the importance of gathering together for worship. They also learn that while worship is a sacred act, it is also enjoyable.
While we guide our children in age-appropriate worship, that does not mean we remove Christ from the picture. Following the format that guides adult worship time, we believe this will help our children understand and integrate into the regular worship service when they are older. Children also join the adult service on the first Sunday of each month so families can celebrate communion together.